6 tips to push your attraction's online sales (including infographic!)

Online sales have been turbocharged since 2020 and have grown every day ever since. Recent eCommerce statistics show that 79% of consumers shop online at least once a month (and it is not going to stop here).

We brought some tips so that you can capture the benefits of this trend to increase your online sales and build loyalty in your attraction. Keep reading and learn how to boost to your attraction’s online sales.

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1) Target the right audience


In order to invest your marketing efforts in the right place, you first need to understand who your customers are. Traditionally, defining a target audience involves determining their age, gender, geographic locations, and their needs. But, when it comes to the online world, you also need to understand other aspects of your potential visitors, such as their browsing habits or preferred social media channels.

Once you have a clear overview of your target audience’s preferences, it is easier to set up a strategy and a plan in order to start gathering more detailed website metrics and data. For instance, if they use facebook in order to find deals that theme parks are offering, it would definitely be worth running a facebook ad campaign with your deals.

2) Incentivise the switch from offline to online booking



A few years ago, visitors would arrive at your venue’s doors, queue for some time and buy their passes at the ticket counter. But, nowadays, the preferences have completely changed.

Everyone wants to avoid long queues, crowded scenarios or even cash payments. Therefore, making use of technology and encouraging online purchases is key to adapt your offerings to the ever-evolving needs of your visitors.

Make sure your visitors are aware of the endless benefits of purchasing their tickets upfront. For instance, by using Mobile Food Ordering they can order their meals and set up a pick-up time before they arrive at your theme park. They will gain more time for fun since the queuing and waiting times are eliminated, which will improve their whole experience.

3) Reduce friction in your ticket-shop


free ebook - improve website conversion rate

Did you know that according to Forrester, shopping cart abandonment currently causes eCommerce brands to lose a staggering $18 Billion in yearly sales revenue? Crazy, right?

That’s why the Convious platform allows you to fully customise and personalise your checkout widget so it seamlessly integrates with your venue’s needs.

You need to ensure the buying process is as easy and as intuitive as possible. Optimise for mobile, don’t ask for unnecessary information,  provide secure payment options and, avoid any kind of website errors or crashes.

Find out more on how to optimise your online ticket-shop and fight cart abandonment by reading our free e-book on the topic!

4) Create a sense of urgency

marketing tips to increase ROI

60 % of sales are driven by FOMO marketing techniques, so, leveraging the consumers’ desire to grab opportunities definitely works.

Try to create marketing messages around  urgency with specific time limits; you will see a spike in your online sales right away!

Using tools such as countdowns, header bars or trigger buttons will help you communicate the urgency in a clearer and even playful way to your visitors. What about giving a 15% discount on your season passes just within the next 24 hours? Your visitors won’t think twice about!

5) Use the power of social proof


Adding social proof to your website gives your potential visitors more trust and confidence in their purchase decisions, which ultimately, leads to a higher conversion rate.

Did you know that according to eMarketer, 61% of cosumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision? Additionally, Moz found that 67% of customers are influenced by reviews. The kind of numbers that make you think twice on the importance of displaying online reviews!

Take this opportunity and ensure you are collecting feedback from your visitors. It will not only help you increase your online sales, but it will also help you improve your whole customer journey, since collecting their thoughts and opinions will help you better understand their needs and expectations.

Having the right marketing tool where you can track and manage your guests' experiences and feedback and convert them into recurring customers is very handy. The Convious platform also includes a feedback module, where you can easily see what your guests are talking about, keep track of your guests' experiences and sentiments, and act on it when there is room for improvement.

Find out more on how much collecting feedback can make a difference for your venue by reading the success story of our partner the MOCO museum. 

6) Make the most out of your data

Amusement park ticket sales increase with data

By using all the data that you have about your visitors, you can send them personalised emails and offers. Creating targeted email marketing campaigns is the perfect way to stay in touch with your existing and potential customers; you can send any message you wish to their inbox!

Besides, the ROI in email marketing is massive; according to a study carried out by eMarketer, the average email marketing ROI is 122%. Yes, you read well (it wasn’t a typo). So, why wouldn’t you take this opportunity?

Be creative and make sure you make the most out of this profitable tool. Here’s some ideas and tips on how you can generate extra revenue with data-driven email marketing.


We hope you found these tips useful, and remember that you should invest a great deal of time and effort in your online sales; unless you have been living under a rock we can all agree that our world has become undeniable digital, and therefore, we need to make the most out of it!

If you have any questions, feedback, or would just like to share more examples feel free to do it! We’d love to hear from you!

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