Let us hear from Women in Tech & Data
Tech & Data - up until a little while ago, this has been a mainly male-dominated area, but recently, change has been in the air. Step by step, we are witnessing the rise of a female presence in the sector, and we love it!
In honour to this year's International Women's Day we used the opportunity to hear from women within this changing and exciting environment.
And what would be more authentic than talking to the women who are part of the daily development here at Convious?
We chatted with our developers Igne and Dalia, and data scientist Dovile about their experiences within the world of tech & data and how they take part in the current women supporting women's movement.

Meet them! From the left: Igne Degutyte, Dalia Saltenyte, and Dovile Noreike.
How do you perceive the industry in regard to gender diversity and equality?
Igne: "The tech industry is definitely perceived as a rather male-field.
Often ladies don't even consider studying IT, as unfortunately, due to certain social norms, they often believe they are not capable of doing the job and tech being more suitable for guys.
As a consequence, there are still much fewer women in the field. But this industry, as most of the industries, needs creative, interdisciplinary people, no matter the gender."
Dalia: "This job is my first in the tech industry, and i've never experienced any discrimination or different treatment because of my gender - or haven't noticed it - in any of my jobs, so this has never been on my mind."
Dovile: "Most of the time I used to be one of very few or the only woman in the tech team. When I was working with teams from Sweden or Norway, it was similar, and being honest, I always felt like I am 'judged.'
However, later I understood that in fact, I am the main and the hardest judge of myself as 'being a woman and not having strong skills.'
It came from School and University, where for example, one teacher used to say: 'Girls can leave this class because their computers - he meant brains - are not adapted to this field' - he was talking about programming…
And I honestly want to give credits to Convious, because here I met an absolutely amazing team of women encouraging helping each other. Not only them but also men are amazing here.
My colleague Natalija is an absolute tech 'beast' in a good way, and few men could compete with her skills and dedication for work. She is really one of the best examples of gender equality."
How do you believe women can, should, and are empowering each other?
Igne: "Every misbalance requires specific attention. I believe in supporting each other, as humans - not necessarily as women to women - by sharing experiences, being empathic, and, if needed, standing up for each other."
Dalia: "I have honestly never considered this consciously for only women. I just treat everybody the same and expect, and have been lucky to be treated the same at the workplace regardless of gender."
Dovile: "They absolutely must do that! To my current belief, women are the strongest judges of themselves and even other women. Of course, it might have different roots, but today, we must help, encourage, and lift each other and go hand to hand together."
What piece of advice would you give to other women considering entering your field?
Igne: "Think beyond gender. We are all capable of much more than we often believe we are. The least of the obstacles, therefore, should be the social stereotypes and the fear of standing out."
Dovile: "Believe in yourself without any doubt; awake your childish curiosity; find the area which intrigues you the most; learn, work, learn and enjoy."
"I personally really do not care what gender you are when it comes to work - as long as the competence and "common sense" is there," said Juozapas Zabukas, CTO at Convious and head of the team Igne, Dalia and Dovile belong to.
In the end, it comes down to diversity - a new view, a different approach, and inspiration - this is what drives change and innovation! This is what should be supported and fostered, at all times, in any field - regardless of gender.
Nevertheless, achievements, equality and the rise of women in fields such as tech & data, need to be acknowledged.
In the spirit of this: Happy International Women's Day 2020!
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