Convious allows attractions' visitors to choose the price for their entrance ticket
August 2022
Convious, an innovative AI-driven platform and app innovator dedicated to the leisure industry, brings fun into the act of purchasing tickets by giving visitors and customers the ability to set their own price with the "Name Your Own Price" tool.

Based on a counter-bidding process, Convious’ partners invite their visitors to define the price they think is right for an entrance ticket. If the reque
discount is too high, the bidding offer is rejected. The user is then invited to try again until the price is acceptable to both parties. This advanced online pricing strategy gamifies the purchase process and helps improve visitors’ sentiment.
According to Adriaan van der Hek, Convious' Chief Operating Officer, "'Name Your Own Price' increases users’ engagement, feeling they have advanced to the next level, like when they are playing a video game. Indeed, by using psychology, we want to turn effort into fun."
Currently, the NYOP model is only available to theme parks and culture venues. They can get an overview of what their customers are willing to pay for an entrance ticket.
Thanks to an exit pop-up that appears when the user is about to leave the website, as well as automated emails, Convious helps its partners improve their retention rate, with 15 to 10% of abandoned carts that are recovered. Conversion rates can also reach 8% and partners can see their sales increase by 40%.